Fazilcassim's Profile
Age: 32
City: Perth
State/Province: Western Australia
Country: Australia
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Manager/Human Resources
Marital Status: Never Married
Profile Rating: 3/5
Age: 32
City: Perth
State/Province: Western Australia
Country: Australia
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Manager/Human Resources
Marital Status: Never Married
Profile Rating: 3/5
I am from Sri Lanka, completed my degree in Bachelor of Commerce major in Accounting at Curtin University, WA. Currently working as a Manager for a private limited company in Perth on Temporary visa.
My Father: Abul Cassim Mohamed Ismail, Director Finance- British Company in Sri Lanka.
My Mother: Sithy Zareena Mohamed Thassim, retired from CGR.
My Elder brother: Bachelor of Computer Science from ECU, with a master degree in Cyber security. Currently working as Software Engineer in Private Limited Company in Perth.
My Yonger sister : currently reading 2nd year B.Ed Degree in WA.
I am looking for a bride in Australia from religious family background and expecting for a religious girl, well mannered and well educated girl and also willing to live in Australia.