Sumayaak1's Profile

Age: 27

City: Frankfort on the Main

State/Province: Hessen

Country: Germany

Education: High school

Religion: Islam - Sunni

Career: Student

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 2.5/5

Im 26 years old I look younger

Never married

I search a righteous husband ahlul sunnah wal jamah

I would like to have a masculine man who has developed his personality and is mature and responsible for marriage. also takes an Islamic marriage very seriously. I don't like feminism and my role models are the Sahaba women and the wives of the prophet peace be upon him. The man should also have communication skills which are very important for a marriage. he should be able to provide and protect. He shouldn't be a narcissist or toxic, he should have a healthy masculinity with a good character and behavior. Should work on yourself and be able to learn and strive for knowledge just like me.
For me is important that he that he pays attention to my feelings and has empathy. That he sees me as a human being that he respects me and of course I respect him and I’m submissive women I hear what he says he must lead me I obey him if this topic matter is aligned with sharia and Islam and good manners.
he shouldn't take advantage of his power and fear Allah, control his nafs
Strive to be a better Muslim and makes an effort for Islam that he read daily Quran that his heart is connected with Islam hat he goes to the masjid to pray that he know his rights and responsibilities in Islam and I also.
I’m a communicative women but I don’t talk unnecessarily too much I like to have a deep connection to my husband I love him with all I have he would be my number one he had more rights than my parents if we marry I know his high position in Islam. I expect that he treat me with Respekt and kindness because in Islam the man also must speak in a nice way with good words to his women
I want a muwadda marriage with Sakina and Rahma with Islamic behavior with Respekt

If you contact me please have a Right niyyah fear Allah