Shamilanasar's Profile

Age: 25

City: Colombo

State/Province: Western

Country: Sri Lanka

Education: Professional qualification

Religion: Islam

Career: Unemployed/Housewife

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Looking for a groom
Bride details.
Age : 23
B.O.B : 1999.06.21
Appearance : Chubby
Dress code : Habaya
Educational qualifications :
Completed A/L (com)
Selected to Kelaniya university but discontinued due to pandemic.

Family details

Father's Name : Mr. Nasar
Occupation : Supervisor
Mother's name: Mrs. Shamila
Siblings :
Elder sister married.
Elder brother working.
Younger sister completed A/L.
Younger brother studying.
Hometown: Colombo-15.

Looking for 5 times praying kind hearted teetotaller groom with a good job.